July 25, 2018
Clash of Clans Update 3 Years Later Posted at 4:02 PM
Guess who started playing this game again! It was on July 4th that I decided to pick up this game again. Here are some screenshots of my current base. I was suppose to post this yesterday but I was in class.
July 14, 2018. Been trying to get into a clan that is actually dedicated after I started upgrading and stuff.

July 16, 2018. You can see that I've joined Winterfell (GoT reference) and I've been in the clan for more than 2 days which is good. There's regular clan wars and I'm learning about the new additions to this game since 3 years ago!


June 26, 2018
Summer 2018 Posted at 8:29 AM

So far, summer for me has been classes, reading, playing Sims4, and writing. I've been using my time... as wisely as I believe I can possibly use it. I'm planning on studying Japanese soon for the upcoming Fall Semester as well as developing my skills in Excel. Other than that, I've been reading for leisure and to sharpen my writing skills since those two go hand in hand. I'm also learning new tips, tricks, and cheats on Youtube and online for creating and building in Sims4. Sims has really given me a new creative outlet for something I never really put thought into dabbling in: interior design/ architect. Though I enjoy playing with the Sims and seeing them interact with the world around them, I thoroughly enjoy creating a the houses, the living space, decorating the rooms, setting the ambiance and personality for an area. I've had this game for almost a year and that never gets old.

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May 03, 2018
Maybe an Unpopular Opinion? (since people always complain about school) Posted at 3:01 PM
I understand completely how difficult and stressful college can be. I can see why people would argue that college is a waste of money given that there are student debts and you may not find a job until a decade after you graduate that can even pay off these loans. College has been stressful and hard for me and sometimes I think about dropping out, too.

But despite all that, I feel like college is beneficial. I've stopped seeing college as a means to an end of acquiring a job. I like feeling more informed, I like feeling well-read, I enjoy learning and how it affects my decisions, my thoughts, my life. I believe that education, especially higher education, at an institute/university will help you out so much in life. From the resources, to great mentors and adults you create relationships with, to a variety of peers you come into contact with that enriches you and how you grow. This world is better off with more educated people. 

This is not to say that uneducated people are inferior. There are people that did not go to college that are doing very well in life, that are as knowledgeable as their educated counterparts. I'm merely throwing out the thought that there are more opportunities that you wouldn't have gotten if you hadn't gone to school at all. There are many ways to learn and pursuing higher education can give you a major boost. 


April 07, 2018
Update From Previous Post Posted at 11:10 AM
I went to advising and in the end I decided to go into CLA Neuroscience. Not heavy on prereqs and I didn't want to give up on it just because I felt it was hard. I think with the new study skills I've built up, I can do this. With more discipline and focus, I can do this. I have high interest in the field and the fact it links to Psychology ties things up pretty nice. So yes, I've finally declared my major at the end of my sophomore year. I've a long way to go and I may not graduate on time, but whatever. Life will get harder after this. I don't even know half the struggles I will end up encountering in the next few years. This should be nothing to me.

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April 03, 2018
The Semester Is About to End... Posted at 12:38 PM
3/4 of my grades are high Bs right now but I really want them to becomes As!! My only failing class, aka GenBioII is going to have to be retaken next Spring semester but I don't really mind and hopefully I retain even the smallest amount of information from this semester for... next year's semester, which is honestly a long while away.

Life is okay. My friends (most) are either currently falling apart or struggling, which in turn is making me feel like my life is falling apart because I've been so consumed by attempting to assist them. I did pretty fine in helping them work through their thoughts though. I am a premature therapist. Is premature even the right word?

I'm currently in the library, waiting to go check in for academic advising. I'm mostly lost though I was very determined to enter the science field full force at the beginning of this semester, considering to change my major to Neuro. But guess what, it didn't really work out. Maybe it could. Maybe I could try CLA Neuroscience. Who knows. I don't want to set myself back or put myself in the mindset that I can't do it. But I have other options and other interests. I'll probably jot them down here for later:

  • interior design
  • dogs/cats/animals overall
  • writing
  • video editting
I don't think I'm made for the medical field or any careers that require heavy sciences. 

I was rambling for the most part. One day I'll look back on this and realize I've either made the right decision on changing my major or the wrong one. But hey...life can't be that bad. Everything eventually changes for the better and if it's not, then it's on you to make those changes.

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March 19, 2018
10:53 PM Random Narratives Posted at 11:04 PM
I don't believe I need to have my life together right now. Every negative thought, every deterring event, I remind myself that I've been through bad times before and I got through them. The things I went through that I didn't think would ever get better eventually passed. Whenever I feel down, I remember that things will always get better. Always push forward and take life and the way you see it into your own hands.

Honestly, I'm at a lost. I go through school being my own encouragement. I grew up in a place where people I loved bullied me, put me down. And sometimes that will happen. It happens to many people. But what I've learned is that you need to ignore the commentary of people who put you down, especially those of your own blood. I've been struggling with school and sometimes, you're the one bullying yourself and putting you down. I've learned to not do that.
March 06, 2018
元気じゃない! Posted at 9:05 AM
私は元気じゃない。今日、たくさん友だちとNew Jersey に行きます。でも、父はこわいです。父はべつにはなしません。
Today I'm not feeling good. Today, I'm going to New Jersey with many friends. But, my father is scary. My father had nothing much to say. 

And sometimes I wish we could communicate but I've long been conditioned to not speak up, to not do anything that may cause conflict. I didn't want to create ripples in this calm pond to avoid anxiety, to avoid lingering feelings of guilt or fear of what may happen if I do something. And that's probably why I feel like I would not be able to live my life the way I want, because I'm always so afraid of feeling uncomfortable. Isn't that just not a good way to live life? I surely think not. I'm pretty unhappy, pretty anxious, pretty afraid to return home after I leave. It's out of my bounds, I've never done this before. But if not now, when? I just turned 20. I'm still young. I can enjoy life and make good memories on my own terms as long as they're reasonable right? I think this is reasonable. I'm only consoling myself because my heart is racing and I feel like I might throw up. Wow, talk about feeling nervous before a trip. But it's not out of excitement. I might fall apart.  

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January 16, 2018
大学に帰ります。 Posted at 2:26 PM
Back at school for the Spring Semester of 2018. First day of classes and so far I'm trying to keep track of everything that's coming up and what I have to do to stay on top of all my classes and freaking pass. Trying to aim for mostly As and only a FEW Bs. No more Cs for me! I'm hoping to manage my time right and be productive (which is a habit I've developed thankfully, last semester). Here are predictions for my grades based on work load and difficulty of the class with full honesty. Though I don't want to really keep the grades I predicted if they're low I'm hoping to bring them up...

Fundamentals of Neuroscience (B+) 
College Algebra (A+)
General Biology ( B????? I'm not sure yet)
Foundation of Behavioral Neuroscience (B-, Also the class I'm most worried about)
Japanese Elements (A-)

Yep, so far as of today, I feel as if I'll be in the B range. As the semester progresses, hopefully I'll find what my weaknesses are and what I can do to bring my grades up. 

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January 02, 2018
私の日本語and 2017 Posted at 11:19 AM
"Good morning! It's Vazeni Tran! Last year was great!"

I'm still polishing up on my Japanese over break given that I'm taking the 2nd level this semester which covers the last half of the textbook. I'm pretty stoked but also nervous about Japanese and other classes I'm taking. No humanities classes whatsoever. I usually love reading and educating myself on society, history, and such. But now I'm straying from the humanities field to science. I'm still minoring in Psychology (CLA) but I'm really considering and willing to jump into Neuroscience (CST). Perhaps I should just overall be a Biology major. 
     I can't believe I jumped from initially wanting to major in English, to Sociology, and now to Neuroscience. I wanted to challenge myself and rid myself from reading a lot. I've read a great deal in Psychology however so perhaps I like reading more scientific topics? Who knows, I might just be a picky person. I swear, if I change my major one more time before I graduate college, I must be doomed to become a freelancer of a sort.
     People who've known me for awhile knows my creative and artistic background but upon hearing my decisions, they get so shocked. I've honestly shocked myself as well. The older I am, the less inclined I am to pull ideas and inspiration out of my ass and actually CREATE. I'm becoming more logical, missing the math and sciences (weird, right?). 
     2017 has been a great year overall. I've developed relationships and created new ones. Richard has made me a more open and talkative person though not when it comes to meeting his friends. I'm usually quiet and reserved though I try to stay included. I've two other friends I've kept in touch with that I didn't expect to. I took English 802 with Alice and Andrea and we haven't talked much in those classes (except me and Alice talked extensively outside of classes). I became better friends with Alice before Andrea, who I was pretty intimidated by from how openly opinionated she was in classes. We actually started talking more over the summer via Facebook messenger and Instagram DMs. Then Alice got added into an SMS chat and the Instagram chat and our trio started from there. Furthermore, I've made more friends this semester who I haven't the privilege to hang out outside of classes but I have their numbers and have them on social media and I'm trying to maintain those relationships as well.
     My relationship with Richard has made me want to become a more improved version of myself as well. Richard is the type of guy who likes to go above and beyond whether it comes to friends/family or work (he sucks at school). I've pushed myself to become more talkative, to take on new physically intensive hobbies, and to improve my skills in games and work ethic for college. If anything, I'd say Richard is better at me in everything besides getting good grades since he pushes pass mental limitations that make one feel like they can't improve (which can result in procrastination and being lazy). He's going to work on his grades this semester though (he better). 
     Hopefully 2018 brings more bettering relationships and new friends, new opportunities, and willingness to push myself even further. Happy New Year a day later. 

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November 18, 2017
It's Been So Long... Posted at 10:04 AM
I need to translate what my blog title is. It's in Japanese and I don't even remember what I've named my own blog.

Oh, it means "Generosity and Care". That was anticlimactic. Thought it would be something more morbid or shocking.


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The Discreet Pink Rose, aka, Vabeani
Neuroscience Major, Psychology Minor
Vietnamese-Chinese, Pisces
Always changing up this blog for various seasons, occasions, and reasons. It will be spontaneous. I am, of course, the random type.
I love cats.
Lana Del Rey, MCR, The Neighborhood, The Weeknd, Blink182, Weezer, Ariana Grande, Camila Cabello (a wide range of artists)
March 4th

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