March 06, 2018
Posted at 9:05 AM
私は元気じゃない。今日、たくさん友だちとNew Jersey に行きます。でも、父はこわいです。父はべつにはなしません。
Today I'm not feeling good. Today, I'm going to New Jersey with many friends. But, my father is scary. My father had nothing much to say.
And sometimes I wish we could communicate but I've long been conditioned to not speak up, to not do anything that may cause conflict. I didn't want to create ripples in this calm pond to avoid anxiety, to avoid lingering feelings of guilt or fear of what may happen if I do something. And that's probably why I feel like I would not be able to live my life the way I want, because I'm always so afraid of feeling uncomfortable. Isn't that just not a good way to live life? I surely think not. I'm pretty unhappy, pretty anxious, pretty afraid to return home after I leave. It's out of my bounds, I've never done this before. But if not now, when? I just turned 20. I'm still young. I can enjoy life and make good memories on my own terms as long as they're reasonable right? I think this is reasonable. I'm only consoling myself because my heart is racing and I feel like I might throw up. Wow, talk about feeling nervous before a trip. But it's not out of excitement. I might fall apart.