February 14, 2015
"Advertising Myself on a Dating Site"
Posted at 11:20 AM
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You should buckle up, I'll take you on a ride
You had stumbled onto my bus stop
Anticipating a surprise.
But please get comfortable
And allow me to show you
What you're in for.
I like to take things slowly,
That's how I assume my pace is
Because I'm loving you at 99 mph.
I got a ticket for speeding
But that's okay
There's no rules or boundaries when I'm on the road.
You may have a destination in mind
But I skipped them over
Only one can be behind the steering wheel.
Let's take things easy but not when
The traffic light is yellow
I was made a rebel, no system confines me.
Once you hit me
You can't quit me
I'm your daily dose of ecstasy.
I'm running out of gas
But I'm still running fine.
Nothing can stop us once we take off from the curb
I destroyed the brakes
And I'm improving the gas pedal.
Labels: Poetry