December 10, 2014
obsessed much [photo galore]
Posted at 3:53 PM
Ugh, got so obsessed with my curls today. They were honestly better than the ones I made a week ago. Gahh. But I think I need to loosen up because I wrapped my hair too tightly around the freaking sock this time around.
From Photobooth then edited. You'll tell by the size.
Honestly one of my favorite edits.
The curls weren't even that big of a deal. It sucked that I didn't stay in school longer and I'm just staying home with no real great occasion for having made these curls //crycry//
I got a lot of compliments for them too ^-^ Sometimes my self esteem needs a boost but I enjoyed them myself too so ahahaha
Wonders what you do with yourself to change your appearance that increases your confidence :P
Favorite pic from my phone <333
The texture in this one tho omg <3